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Home / Boy's Swimwear / Current Tyed - The "Finn" Sunsuit

Current Tyed - The "Finn" Sunsuit

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Keep your child safe from the sun without compromising on style! Our popular sunsuits combine the full protection of a Rash Guard with play friendly shorts into a convenient one piece swimsuit. The lengthened YKK zipper ensures these suits are easy on and off, with zipper pulls perfectly designed for little fingers. Potty breaks are a breeze! Our suits are fully reversible allowing for zipper wear at the front or back, and help empower your little ones to dress and undress themselves!

Our ultra breathable and quick drying custom fabric allows for these swimsuits to be worn all day, with built in zipper protection for full comfort. All of the seams are strongly reenforced ensuring the suits will withstand the toughest of adventures. Swim that moves with your kids, not against!

Playful, rich, detailed and stunning. Our “Finn” print features a stunning hand painted under the sea scene rich in blues, teals and aqua tones. Arranged on a matte brushed blue base, this highly detailed print is the perfect combination of neutral and playful - a balance you will both adore!

Best pairings include our Stone Blue, Mint, Sage Green, Charcoal and Green Palm accessories!

Best pairings include our Dusty Lilac, Blush and Sketched Floral accessories!

Illustrations done by @alittlelovecreative

As always, our swimwear is;

Chemical FREE Oeko-Tex Certified Fabrics with UPF 50+
Custom Designed Prints in Vancouver, BC
Breathable Lycra Fabric Blend Featuring 4-Way Stretch
Chlorine and Fade Resistant Fabric
Ultra Soft Feel and Full YKK Zipper + Chin Guards for All Day Comfort
Unisex Design
Customizable Wear - Elongated Easy Pull Zipper at the Back or Front
Available in Matching Mom + Me options